My 21 year old fishing log revealed without question that more fish were active during a 90 minute window surrounding each one of these four daily influences. That’s right, it was simply a matter of knowing, to the minute, when the sun came up and went down, and when the moon came up and went down each and every day. The real secret, I discovered, to solar/lunar influences on a daily basis was nothing more than knowing when the sun and moon rose and set on a 24 hour basis. And, what’s even more incredible, was that I was right almost every single time! But perhaps what was even more unbelievable to me was that everyone else had missed this simple but really absolutely TRUE key. In fact, I eventually got to the point where I myself began to predict the most probable daily, monthly, and even yearly times when the biggest fish were most apt to bite.

I went from totally disbelieving to being totally convinced. Yes, I had flipped 180 degrees on the entire solar/lunar deal. My daily fishing logs had surely disputed the commonly accepted correlations, but they just as surely pointed to indisputable evidence that a “certain” solar/lunar factor was really important. In fact, it worked so well that it was hard to believe at first. Why? Because I ended up discovering a certain solar/lunar influence that really did work.

You would have thought that my accumulated research would have cured me from ever looking at a solunar chart again, but it did just the opposite. And when good fish and game activity did coincide, which was usually less than 10% of the time, it was plainly obvious that it actually had much more to do with local weather changes than any predicted major or minor solar/lunar period. I actually caught far more fish when they weren’t so suppose to bite. What followed convinced me that certain solar/lunar criteria simply had very little or no daily influence.īasically, I became so frustrated and disappointed with the lack of any real consistent correlation to most of the popular magazine charts today that I gave up on them completely. I figured a daily entry of fish activity would finally give me a mound of fishing data to compare with the various solar/lunar references on a given day to day basis. This finally put me in a position to compare hundreds of muskies, and thousands of bass and walleyes on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis to any printed solar/lunar reference. Once I started logging my catches on a daily basis I developed a good data base.

Yet, I, like so many other anglers, rarely find any consistent correlation with most of these references.įinally, back in 1976, when I got into the fishing guide business full time, I really made it a point to compare my fishing catches to a number of popular solunar charts. All of these tables, charts, and calendars claim to predict daily feeding activity of fish with accordinance to moon and solar influences. Nearly every fishing publication today publishes some kind of monthly solunar table, moon chart, activity calendar, action graph, or other similar version. It’s not hard to find a solunar table of some kind.
Yet as much as pro anglers endorse the effectiveness of moon charts and outdoor publications of every niche’ continue to print them, rarely does either source validate these solunar claims with data. Alabamaįull Moon or Dark Moon? Major and minor solunar periods? Which is best? Does any of this moon mumbo jumbo make any real sense nor does it actually work? These are legitimate questions asked by thousands of anglers each year, and they deserve concrete answers backed up by some bonafide data. Please follow any link below to view the Moon Phase Secret Charts for that area.