is to develop the social-emotional skills of self-awareness, self-management. Once the time elapses on each page, you may proceed to the next page. Louisiana students are assessed annually in grades 3 through 8 and high. Each page within the course has a timer on it. Write about the areas on the self assessment in which you had your lowest scoreīy doing the self assessment I also learned that I got a couple of low scores, the lowest on mastering self management and gaining self awareness, I am not too surprised, I feel I can learn to be better in those categories, I do realize that I am not the most organized but I am currently working on that, during this course i would love to be more organized and manage my time better, get my priorities straightened out, and get things done on time. Online self-paced course formats are text-based and allow you to read at your own pace. There are no surprises in my score, I feel like maybe I should have gotten a higher score on gaining self awareness. I study for a length of time then take a short break before returning to studying. I study where it is quiet and has few distractions. Write about the areas in the self assessment where you had the highest scoreīy doing the self assessment I learned that I scored higher in most of the self motivation and believing in myself ,I feel it might be because I am my own best motivator, I am the reason I want to keep going to school, I am doing this for myself, to live a comfortable and successful life. SELF-ASSESSMENT Name Date STUDYING Often Sometimes Rarely 1. Our e-learning incorporates a variety of fundamental and product specific topics to help you build expertise on automation and control systems.

Introduction & Chapter One: OnCourse to Success. In your journal write eight areas of the self assessment and record your score for each as follows E-learning courses are self-paced and self-directed so you can learn when and where it is convenient for you. (All chapters and pages refer to OnCourse by Skip Downing, 8thed.) Module One.